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Products Name: DEUTZ 01174418
Outer Diameter:
Inner Diameter:

Descriptions: Full-Flow Lube Spin-on
Fits: Atlas Copco Compressors; Blaw-Knox, Bomag, Caterpillar, Claas, Demag, Deutz, Ditch Witch, Dynapac, Fendt, Hanomag, Komatsu, Liebherr, New Holland, Nissan, Poclain, Vermeer Equipment
Replaces: Atlas Copco 9712540103; Deutz 150157510,0117 4418
Thread: 1-12
O.D.: 3 11/16 (93.7)
Length: 5 3/8 (136.5)

AC Delco PF1150, PF2044, PF2046, PF2200, PF27, PF964, X2, X4091E, X4201E, X47, Agco30-3498395, Ahlmann A1H4123, Alco SP856, SP890, AP Lockheed AP3205, AP3205A, AP3210A, AP3216A, LK1162, LK3205, Asahi AMC KO1533, KO1543, NO245, Atlas Copco Weyhausen 1160-024, 12028495, 1202-8495, 1202849500, 1202-8495-00, 132360025, 1323-6002-5, 363031, 831038, 97090011, 9709-0011, 9709001100, 9709-0011-00, 97100405, 9710-0405, 9712540103, 9712-5401-03, 97125401203, 9712-5401-203, 97901543, 9790-1543,Baldwin BT292, BT356, Benford 8007042, BluePrint ADL MTW16, MTW27, Bobcat Melroe4119775B, Bomag 05710639, 5710639, Bosch 0451104004, 0451104066, 0451203218, 2012H, 451104004, 451-104-004, 451-104-066, 451203218, 451-203-218, 72116, 9181474049, 9450732012, 9-450-732-012, BOF1049, BOF3218, OF116, P3218, P4066, Case IHC3116609R92, 3116609-R92, 3116609-R93, 3136046-R91, 3917868R1, 3917868-R1, 499950338, 711922, P1350576, V37546, Caterpillar 3I1263, 5W5887, 5W5887N, 9N5860, 9Y4474,Ceccato 640211, Claas 116002.4, 3270240, 591913, 591913.0, 5919130, Clark 3779685, 4119775, 844213, Coles 8989748, Compair Holman 9826251370001, Coopers Fiaam GUDAZL055, AZL055A, FN4653, FT4653, LSF5144, Z72(CoopersFiaamGUD), Crosland 376, 660,Delphi Lucas CAV F3781, F6465, Demag 20608940, 5500774, Deutz AG Fahr KHD01160024, 01173481, 01174418, 1160024, 1160024ES, 1174418, 150157510, 150-15-75-10, A14H4123, A1H14123, A1H4412, AH14123, BO150157510, TN01160024, TNO1160024,Donaldson LFP552819, LFP555240, LFP559418, P172503, P550710, P551297, P552819, P555240, P559418, P779128, P779141, P779622, Donit 431062, Doosan Daewoo ChevroletL141099, Drott 1350576, Dynapac 747284, 747289, 903941, 925676, Fendt F100001160024, F100001173481, F100001174418, F245203010020, F275203010020, Fiat 01902135, 252031, 61584009, Filter Control FCL7135, Filtration FTL1546, FTL1563, FTL1575, Finn FFUP408,Fleetguard HF6159, LF3331, LF3417, LF3653, LF4056, LF760, Fleetrite HFR86159, LFR83331, LFR83417, LFR83653, LFR84056, LFR8708, LFR8760, Ford 276516, 5000861, 5010666, 9276516, A730X6714HA, A730X-6714-HA, A730X6731A1A, A730X-6731-A1A, A820x6714SA, Fram PH2842, PH2931, PH2995A, PH3551, PH4557, PH6923, Genie 62430,Giesse CLH3501, Greyfriars 924S, 935S, 941S, Grove 9414100776, Hamm 231495,Hanomag Henschel 000922853, 921853, 922853, 971238001, Hengst H170/1W, H1701W, H17W04, H17W27, Hesston 0734988, Hydrovane 57562, Ingersoll Rand 35292358, 39329602, 91605204, 93568285, 97127328Iveco1902135, Jaguar EBC9658, JCB 46/030802, 46030802, Kaelble 40600493, 406-00-493, 8600850177, 860-08-50177, Kalmar 9237260081, Kassbohrer 711922853, 711-922-853, 800100540, 800-100-540, 8300001024, 830-000-1024, 8300100540, 830-010-0540, Komatsu600-211-5213, 6002115214, 600-211-5214, 6002115240, 600-211-5240, 6002115241, 600-211-5241, 6002115242, 600-211-5242, 6002115242E, 600-211-5242E, 6002116140, 600-211-6140, 6002116140L, 600-211-6140L, 6002116230, 600-211-6230, Kralinator L72, Kramer0451140001, 451140001, Kubota 60021-16230, 7000014648, 70000-14648, Lamborghini1505914, Lautrette ELH4305, Leyland Daf BL Rover 5103133, 690260, GFE154, RTC1165, UE40893, Liebherr 5106133, 5502455, 7005658, 7020038, Linde Lansing Guldner0160000002001, 7995000510, 95000510, 9830627, T707014017, Luberfiner LFH4207, LFP18, LFP2312, PH2819, Mahle Knecht AW42, AW5, AW512, AW52, FO4361, OC26, OC50, OC54,MAN 67.50358.596, 6750358596, Manitou 1173481, 137183, Mann and Hummel 6750359096, W9301, W940/18, W940/29, W940/32, W940/5, W94018, W94029, W94032, W9405, W94098,Massey Ferguson 2999976M1, 2999976-M1, AMO42902, Meuden 527266, Mitsubishi3444022100, 34440-22100, 492500, FP100074, Motaquip VFL167, Motorcraft EFL224, EFL315, FL1997, FL292, Multipart 0644654, MWM 605411880009, Napa 1283, 1609, 1768, 3681, 4050, Nissan 5839647601, 58396-47601, 5839647601B, 58396-47601B, Orenstein and Koppel 044667, 103843, 103872, 103901, 1215291, 1415291, 44667, 49809, 83972, P and H Harnischfeger 221046Z71, Pegaso 637122, Permatic ELH4704, GL681, Poclain 0243252, 13505-76, 243232, 2432-32, 243250, 2432-50, 243252, 2432-52, 8888667, 88886-67, 88888-40, E0243252, E02432-52, R0950559, R09505-59, S1350576, S13505-76, Porsche 91110775400, 91110776400, 91610775400, 93010776400, 93010776401, Powerpart AM042902, PowertrainPMFL57, Purflux 6120645540, LS427, LS427A, LS581, Purolator Facet AW5/2, L260, L30255, L30260, L37202, PC202, PC214, PC231, PC255, PC260, Quinton Hazell QOF2086,Ransomes 819154, Renault 5001846637, 6005000735, 6005021236, 7701456928, Ryco R133, Z137, Sakura C-1039, C1039(Sakura), C1822, C-1822, C6202, C-6202, HC-1822, Savara92802017, 92811511, 92811517, 92818317, SO115, Schaeff 5.411.316.400, 5411316400,Schupp SF SP 4320, SP4320, Sparex U64340, Steyr 71010332, 710-10-332, 7101070332, 710-10-703-32, Still 133791, Sure SFO4018, SFO5240, Tecfil PS123, PS124, PSL123,Tecnocar R67, Terex 6010178, Thwaites T51629, TJ Tecalemit FB2086, Toro 49-2500,Towmotor 971451, UFI Sofima 23.110.00, 23.110.02, 23.225.00, 2311000, 2311002, 2311003, 2322500, S7600R, Unic 061584009, Unipart GFE317, GFE538, Ursus 5060738/0/UB, Valtra Valmet 1992338, 20120822, 20122208, 836120822, 836122208, Vapormatic CPD5050, VPD5031, VPD5050, Vauxhall GM 25011302, 25012325, 25012425, 25012564, 25012636, 25313738, 7984325, 7984340, 7984992, 9975189, Vetus VD20262, VME 41150059A, 4115059,Wako WO103, White 30-3483622, Wix 51283, 51581, 51609, 51768, 551283, WL7245,Woodgate WGH6159, WGL9029, Zetor 0040571203, 00MU57120, 93407505, 93-407-505, TB93407505, Zettelmeyer 405712, 4057120, 40571203, MU57120, MU7512

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