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Products Name: BOBCAT 6675517
Outer Diameter:
Inner Diameter:

Part No: 6675517
Description: FILTER-Lube(Spin On)

Height: 98mm
OD/Width Max: 95mm
OD/Width Min: 94mm
Thread: 3/4-16 UN
By-Pass Valve PSI: 8

AC Delco PF13, SF, SJ, X19, X1K, Alco SP829, SP-829, Alfa Romeo 116120603000, 116-12-0603000, 51031300000, 510-31-300000, Allis Chalmers 4126435, 7825516, AP Lockheed AP3211A, Aqua Power 6008, Atlas Copco 10300882, 1030-0882, 16193558, 1619-3558, F16, F-16, F16M34, Baldwin B163, BluePrint ADL ADA102119, Bobcat Melroe 6675517, Bolens 1719859, Bosch 0451103029310, 0451103262, 1986452003, 1-986-452-003, 3321, 451102002, 451-102-002, 451103003, 451-103-003, 451103011310, 451-103-011-310, 451103012, 451-103-012, 451103014, 451-103-014, 451103025, 451-103-025, 451103084, 451103142, 451-103-142, 451103171, 451-103-171, 451103262, 451103902, 451-103-902, 451203154, 451-203-154, 72101, 72103, 72138, 8241H, 9181474002, 9181474007, 9450732002, 9-450-732-002, 9-450-732-005, 9457282170, 9-457-282-170, 9457282410, 986452903, 986-452-903, BOF1002, O314, OF103, OF104, OF109, P3142, P3154, P3171, P3262, Carrier Transicold2530053, 25-30053, Case IHC 1133277R1, 1133277-R1, 1133278-R1, 3055228-R91, 3055765, 3055765-R91, 3055768-R91, 3056768-R91, 3136458R1, 3136458-R1, 395789R91, 395789-R91, 395789R92, 395789-R92, D62845, H334540, Caterpillar 3I1214, 3I1490, 9Y4487, 9Y4506, Champion C142, OF18, Chrysler Dodge 05821090, 26110500, 418432, 5041315, 5057957, 5281090, 75046821, 75047204, 75221481, 77011365661, T1365661, Clark 1800977, 910207, Compair Holman 98262/135, Continental TM27L3100, Coopers Fiaam FA5019, Z1011, Z123, Z27, Z27A, Z56, Z860, Crosland 529, Cummins 148459, 162097, Cushman 116274, 780878941, Daihatsu 1560025010000, 15600-25010-000, 1560087305000, 15600-87305-000, 1560087307000, 15600-87307-000, 1560087320000, 15600-87320-000, 1560187101, 40111834, Delphi Lucas CAV F3758, F436, F5534, F55341, F5600, F6466, F652, F6577, F694, G218, Deutz AG Fahr KHD 141151110, 141-15-11-10, 3357461, DonaldsonP550095, P550882, P553311, P779197, Donit 431084, Dynalife CN116, Fiat 013876, 4158728, 4199523, 4202887, 4212109, 4286050, 4286052, 4335880, 4343597, 71650954, 72161316, Fleetguard LF3311, LF3375, LF3377, LF3400, LF4015, Fleetrite HFR86096, LFR83311, LFR83377, LFR83378, LFR83400, LFR84015, Ford 0542957, 11405640, 11425472, 11464467, 11464497, 11525802, 1556297, 178562, 5008677, 508129, 542957, A609X6731CA, A710X6714EA, A810X6714CA, C6JZ6714A, C6JZ-6714-A, C6JZ6714B, C6JZ-6714-B, CC0AE6714B, CC0Z6714AG, CC0Z-6714-AG, CC3CZ6731A, D1RY6731A, D1RY-6731-A, D8PJ6714AA, D8PJ-6714-AA, D8PZ6731A, D8PZ-6731-A, E8NN6714CA, E8NN-6714-CA, E9NN6714AA, E9NN-6714-AA, Fram DG16, PH16, PH16FP, PH2832, PH2855, PH2855A, PH4824, PH7328, PH922A1, PH965, TG16, XG16, Greyfriars 901S, 919S, Hengst H10W, H10W01, H10W05, H20W, Hyster 180283, 18028306, 180283-06, 3000058, 3000066, Iseki 15001673990, JCB 2/630795, John Deere AM31205, AM37025, MG508129, Jubilee AOF17, Komatsu 37Z020F301, 37Z0-20-F301, TJ1560196001, Z1402OF301, Kralinator D2, D24, D24S, D42, L11, L11R, L24, L24S, L34, L35, L35S, Kubota 7000014644, 70000-14644, La Padana MF001007, Lancia 82342881, 82360558, Lautrette Mecafilter ELH4032, Leyland Daf BL 1288891A, Linde Lansing 9839008, Lotus A907E6000W, Luberfiner FP16, LFP16, LFP2215, LFP228, PH228, PH2820A, Mahle Knecht AW11, AW139, AW18, AW18C10, AW45, AW67, EH258, FO355/1, FO3735, FO3736, FO382, FO385, OC123, OC141, OC18, OC231, OC28, OC31, OC36, OC53, OC56, OC97, Manitou 107580, Mann 6750259126, W920/21, W920/23, W920/70, W92021, W92023, W92026, W92070, W920700, WF914/2, WF9140, WF9142, WF916/1, WF9160, WF9161, WF91610, Massey Ferguson 1041429, 1043369M91, Mitsubishi 6432390636, 64323-90636, MC10863, Mopar F00PH228, L319, T4897991, T4897999, Motaquip VFL122, VFL148, VFL165, VFL173, VFL361, Motorcraft AFL5071, EFL037, EFL039, EFL090, EFL158, EFL37, EFL39, FD259, FL259, FL264, FL293, FL332, FL332DP, FL5, FL787, MWM 605417880003, Napa 1084, 1312, 1362, 1521, 21307, 91307, 91311, Nelson Winslow 85044A, 85124B, 85129A, WPF20, Nippon Denso T9335, Onan 1220185, 122-0185, 1220283, 122-0283, 122A185, 122-A185, 122B185, 122-B185, Orenstein and Koppel 1499443, Parker PER17, Peugeot 110929, 1109-29, 110931, 1109-31, 110945, 1109-45, 110978, 1109-78, Powerflo LER81, Purflux LS144B, LS194, LS410, LS410A, LS410C, LS493, LS507, LS900, Purolator FacetFC140, FCO17, FO385/1, L10017, L17200, LI3350, LI3550, MF36300A, MF45800A, OF16, PC200, PC218, PC22, PC23, PC234, PC265, PER17K, PER17M, PER277, PER81, PL10017, PMP322, TBO17, TBO18, Quinton Hazell QOF2070, Ransomes Jacobsen 130355, 130555, Renault7700538153, 7701020783, 7701348110, 7701365661, 8547327, 8548979, 854897999, 85558910, R854897991, R854897999, Ryco Z10, Z71, Z89A, Sakura C1102, C-1102, C11023, C-1102-3, C7102, C-7102, C8007, C-8007, Savara G4862, SO228, SO443, Scania 11436936, 204495, 800334, 834940, 880334, 8803348, 9309576, 9320375, 9329375, Sogefi Pro FT8482A, FT8482A/SGP, FT8482ASGP, Soparis CV383, Sullair 47529, SureSFO4670, Tecfil PSL47, Tecnocar R332, R341, TJ FB2070, FB2075, Towmotor 971289, 972597, Toyota 1153100042, 11531-00042, 1560125010, 15601-78001-71, 321504084071, 32150-40840-71, 401503037071, 40150-30370-71, UFI Sofima 23.168.00, 23.171, 23.171.01, 2313400, 2316800, 23171, 2317101, 2320100, S3201R, Union PF228, Unipart GFE306, Vauxhall GM 2876465, 5577618, 5579164, 6437419, Volkswagen 21115351A, Volvo 11711396, 1266286-2, 4184321, 418432-1, 4184342, 418719, 419719, 4301438, 872683, White 156513A, 156513-A, 156513AS, 156513-AS, 22612473, 22642473, 22-642473, 226424730, 22-6424730, 226Y2473, 400000409, 40-0000409, Wipac CA153, CA415, Wix 15, 51084, 51307, 51311, 51316, 51319, 51362, 551311, 551362, CW84MP, PC307P, PC311P, PC316, Woodgate WGH6096, WGH6164, WGL3330, Yale and Towne0012097262, 12097262, 1500172, 150017200, 1500172-00, 907172400, 910361400, 9103614-00, 910361401, ET97262, Zinga 111836

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